

Emissions are registered from cultivation to the POS and the disposal of packaging

Origin: Spain

Certifications: GlobalG.A.P., GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice (GRASP)

Your contribution



… of the strawberries by our producers in Spain.


… to our warehouse.


… to the shelves of our customers.
= Volume of CO2 in kg compensated with strawberries. This equals …
kilometres driven by car
trees that bind CO2
wash cycles at 60°C


Clean drinking water in Malawi

Two billion people in the world have no access to clean drinking water. Many families have to boil their drinking water over an open fire, resulting in CO2 emissions and deforestation. By providing safe drinking water through the repair of damaged and the drilling of additional new boreholes, the project in Kasungu, Malawi ensures, that households consume less firewood during the process of water purification. This way CO2 emissions can be avoided.

Wind energy
in Chile

This project contributes to meet the electricity demand in Chile with renewable, clean and zero-emission power, displacing fossil-fuel based generation. The park consists of two wind farms with 57 wind turbines in total. Since wind energy is created without burning fossil fuels, it is considered emission-free. The growth of renewable energy production is essential to limiting global warming and securing energy supplies for the future.



CO2 balance of the company and its products


Climate protection strategy to reduce CO2 emissions


Support of carbon offset projects


For us, acting in a climate-friendly way implies the precise recording of our CO2 emissions, their reduction wherever that’s possible, and the offsetting of any remaining emissions through certified climate protection projects.

We calculate the majority of our product carbon footprint on the basis of primary data we receive directly from our producers. Our calculations differentiate between the various countries of origin and take into account the entire CO2 emissions caused by fruit and vegetables: from origin to point of sale and disposal, including cultivation, packaging, and logistics as well as the disposal of the products and packaging materials. Only the "consumption" section of the supply chain is not considered (cradle-to-customer plus end-of-life approach), as these emissions for fresh fruit and vegetables are generally very low and cannot be generalised.

To make our reduction targets publicly transparent, our company joined several initiatives and committed itself to specific reduction measures. As a member of the Sustainability Initiative Fruit and Vegetables (SIFAV), we are committed to a 25% reduction of the emissions from our bananas and blueberries by 2026 (compared to 2022). To achieve this goal, we have already implemented various reduction measures along our supply chain and will expand these further in the future.

As a completely emission-free fruit and vegetable trade is not yet achievable, emissions will be generated despite ambitious targets and reduction measures. With the objective of offsetting the resulting damage to our climate in the best possible way, we are investing in two climate protection projects that are certified in accordance with the Gold Standard. These investments are always made in advance – so you can be sure that your products have already been offset before you buy them. In the event that more emissions are produced than previously assumed, we will of course offset the surplus afterwards.

With this principle, we enable consumers to enjoy fresh fruit and vegetables while protecting the climate in a simple and transparent way.


Your contribution

When you buy 1 kg of strawberries, you support the compensation of 0.83 kg CO2 on average. This compensation has benefitted two selected climate protection projects in equal parts.

Learn more about the compensated quantities via our ID tracking.

Banany ekologiczne / organiczne

Etykieta “organic” oznacza, ĹĽe nasze banany zostaĹ‚y zasadzone i zebrane zgodnie ze standardem rolnictwa ekologicznego.
Ta metoda rolnictwa ma na celu produkcję żywności przy użyciu naturalnych substancji i procesów, aby ograniczyć wpływ na środowisko.

Rolnictwo ekologiczne obejmuje:

  • odpowiedzialne wykorzystanie energii i zasobĂłw naturalnych,
  • zachowanie różnorodnoĹ›ci biologicznej,
  • zachowanie regionalnej rĂłwnowagi ekologicznej,
  • poprawÄ™ ĹĽyznoĹ›ci gleby, a takĹĽe
  • zachowanie jakoĹ›ci wody.

W przeciwieństwie do bananów konwencjonalnych stosuje sie w przypadku bananów o jakości ekologicznej wyłącznie nawozy organiczne i nie stosuje się chemicznych pestycydów.

Ponadto wymogi rolnictwa ekologicznego promują wyższy standard dobrostanu zwierząt, respektując ich specyficzne potrzeby. Przepisy Unii Europejskiej dotyczące rolnictwa ekologicznego stanowią jasną strukturę dla całej UE, zapewniając wiarygodne oznakowanie produktów ekologicznych.

Twój wkład

Kupując 1 kg bananów, wspierasz offset średnio 0,53 kg CO2. 50% tego offsetu zostało przekazane na dwa wybrane projekty ochrony klimatu. Więcej o ilości offsetów dowiesz się z naszego śledzenia ID.

Organiczne banany Fairtrade

Nasze organiczne banany Fairtrade, oprócz jakości organicznej, posiadają certyfikat ze znakiem Fairtrade.

Ten certyfikat oznacza, że nasze banany pochodzą ze sprawiedliwego handlu, a przy ich produkcji spełnione zostały określone kryteria społeczne, ekologiczne i ekonomiczne.. Wszyscy rolnicy, którzy eksportują banany Fairtrade, posiadają certyfikat Fairtrade. Regularne audyty sprawdzają, czy spełnione są odpowiednie standardy Fairtrade.

Certyfikat daje konsumentom pewność, że drobni rolnicy i pracownicy otrzymali za swoje towary stabilną i sprawiedliwą cenę, która pokrywa koszty zrównoważonej produkcji. Ponadto za wszystkie produkty wypłacana jest premia Fairtrade. Rolnicy, którzy połączyli się w spółdzielnie, sami decydują, na co przeznaczana jest ta premia, np. na budowę studni z wodą pitną, budowę lub remont dróg i szkół, na opiekę medyczną lub na dokształcanie.

Kupując banany ze znakiem Fairtrade, konsumenci przyczyniają się do poprawy warunków życia i pracy drobnych producentów na całym świecie.

Your contribution

When you buy 1 kg of green asparagus, you support the compensation of 31.3 kg CO2 on average. This compensation has benefitted two selected climate protection projects in equal parts.

Your contribution

When you buy 1 kg of blueberries, you support the compensation of 0.99 kg CO2 on average. This compensation has benefitted two selected climate protection projects in equal parts.

Learn more about the compensated quantities via our ID tracking.

Your contribution

When you buy 1 kg of clementines, you support the compensation of 0.52 kg CO2 on average. This compensation has benefitted two selected climate protection projects in equal parts.

Learn more about the compensated quantities via our ID tracking.

Your contribution

When you buy 1 kg of bananas, you support the compensation of 0.53 kg CO2 on average. This compensation has benefitted two selected climate protection projects in equal parts.

Learn more about the compensated quantities via our ID tracking.

Organic Fairtrade bananas

Our organic Fairtrade bananas not only come in organic quality, but are also Fairtrade certified. 

The Fairtrade seal shows that our bananas originated from fair trade and that during their production, specific social, ecological and economic criteria were observed. All farmers who export Fairtrade bananas have the Fairtrade certification. Regular audits ensure that the relevant Fairtrade standards are adhered to.

The seal assures the consumers that the small farmers and workers receive a stable and fair price for their fruits, a price that covers the costs of a sustainable production. In addition, a Fairtrade premium is paid for every products. The farmers, who are organised in cooperatives, decide for themselves what the premium is used for. Possible examples would be the construction of wells for drinking water, the construction or renovation of roads and schools, medical care or further education and trainings.

So when they buy bananas with the Fairtrade seal, consumers help improve the living and working conditions of small producers all over the world.

Organic bananas

The label “organic” means that our bananas are cultivated and harvested according to the standard of organic farming. The aim of this agricultural method is to produce food by using only natural substances and processes with the objective of reducing the negative effects on the environment.

Organic farming includes:

  • responsible use of energy and natural resources
  • conservation of the biological diversity
  • preservation of the regional ecological balance
  • improvement of soil fertility and
  • preservation of water quality

As opposed to conventional bananas, high quality organic bananas are treated exclusively with organic fertilisers and never with chemical pesticides.

The demands on organic farming also promote a higher animal protection standard that considers the specific needs of animals. The provisions of the European Union for organic agriculture give a clear structure to the entire EU, thereby ensuring a reliable labelling of organic products.